What Classes Should I Take?
Important: All students that want to earn a certificate must apply for that certificate before completing six (6) credit hours in the program.
Once you have been accepted, there are a lot of choices in courses to take, and in what order - we typically offer at least twelve different classes over three certificate programs each semester. Our advisors are here to help you decide what to take and when to take it.
This website is a great place to start. Each certificate student should read:
Even with that information, you may be confused about what courses meet your interests as well as certificate requirements. To handle those issues, or to get course advice, contact one of our advisors at 850.644.9961 or info@em.fsu.edu.
Completing Your Certificate

When applying to graduate, students will see their certificate listed as “Not Eligible for Selection.” While this alarms many students at first, it is simply the way the larger University system has set up the application to graduate, and does not actually reflect your certificate status. In fact, students do not need to request or apply for anything to prompt our office to verify your certificate status as it relates to graduation. Our academic advisor does this automatically at the end of each semester. Completed certificates will be noted on your transcript shortly after grades post.
If you’d like to receive a physical copy of the certificate, you can request one here, however this can only be done after final grades have posted.
Reminder that successful completion of the courses is defined as a grade of C or higher. Students who receive grades lower than a C in any course must repeat that course if they wish to have it count towards any of our department’s certificates. Please speak to our advisor Chantelle Tuffigo for any questions about your certificate progress.
Advising Staff
Chantelle Tuffigo, Advisor |
Chantelle is the primary academic advisor for EMHS - she should be your first stop for program questions, issues, and advising.
Sierra Perna, Student Outreach Coordinator |
Sierra is the primary contact for students looking for internships or other professional opportunities.
Sue Sullivan, Faculty Advisor |
Sue is an advisor for EMHS, and also handles all requests for paper certificates. She can also answer questions on course capacities and upcoming course offerings.
Brad Skillman, Deputy Director |
Brad is the EMHS Deputy Director and can answer any questions about course mapping, offerings, and certificate requirements. Brad also handles all requests for Certificates with Honors.
David Merrick, Director |
David is the EMHS Director and can help solve any problem not addressed by other faculty and staff.