Current Course Offerings

Spring 2024 Classroom

Course Number Class Name Instructor Date & Time
PAD 4374/5376 Intro to Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh Tues/Thurs 3:05-4:20
PAD 4897/5898 Global Security and Fusion Duggleby Tues/Thurs 3:05-4:20
PAD 4393/5398 EM Programs, Planning, and Policy Merrick Monday 5:30-8:15
PAD 4075/5079 UAS in EM (UAS1) Hart/Merrick Tues/Thurs 3:05-4:20
PAD 4372/5373 Leadership and Communications in EM McDaniel Mon/Wed 3:05-4:20
PAD 4936/5935 Special Topics: Disaster Incident Management McDaniel Mon/Wed 8:50-10:05
PAD 4072/5078 Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS2) Hart/Merrick Wednesday 9:20-12:05
PAD 4382/5388 Disaster Recovery and Mitigation McDaniel Monday 5:30-8:15
PAD 4936/5935 Hard Targets and Intelligence Duggleby Wednesday 5:30-8:15
PAD 4831/5839 International Conflicts and Terrorism Skillman Tues/Thurs 1:20-2:35
PAD 4841/5896 US Intel Analysis and Comm Merrick Tues/Thurs 11:35-12:50

Spring 2024 Online

Course Number Class Name Instructor
PAD 4391/5397 Foundations of Emergency Management Dilling
PAD 4833/5835 International Comparative Disaster Management Dilling
PAD 4398/5398 EM Programs, Planning and Policy Dilling
PAD 4374/5376 Intro to Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh
PAD 4075/5079 UAS in Emergency Management (UAS1) Hart/Merrick
PAD 4844/5845 Public Health and Emergency Management Skillman
PAD 4433/5475 Women, Disasters, and Conflicts Washington
PAD 4380/5389 Disasters: From Shock to Recovery Cuadra
PAD 4301/5310 Disaster Planning for Urban Poor Communities Cuadra
PAD 4375/5377 Advanced Topics in Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh
PAD 4084/5837 International Terrorism Policy Skillman
PAD 4842/5849 U.S. Intelligence Policy Duggleby
PAD 4843/5848 U.S. Intelligence Community Carhart
PAD 3012 Mayhem Media Hart

Summer 2024 Classroom

Course Number Class Name Instructor Date & Time
PAD 4936/5935 Hard Targets and Intelligence Duggleby Wednesday 4:50-8:00
PAD 4843/5848 U.S. Intelligence Community McDaniel Mon/Wed 1:20-2:55
PAD 4844/5845 Public Health and EM Skillman Thursday 5:30-8:40
PAD 4936/5935 Admin and Finance of EM Programs McDaniel Wednesday 5:30-8:40
PAD 4897/5898 Global Security and Fusion Duggleby Tues/Thurs 3:05-4:40
PAD 4936/5935 Geospatial Intelligence in EMHS Merrick Tues/Thurs 1:20-2:55
PAD 4936 Regional Security in the Southern Hemisphere Heffron-Casserleigh/Niette Tuesday 4:50-8:00
PAD 4391/5397 Foundations of EM Hart/Merrick Tuesday 5:30-8:40
PAD 4841/5896 U.S. Intelligence Analysis and Communication Merrick Tues/Thurs 11:35-1:10
PAD 4074/5076 Professional Pathways in EM Perna/Merrick Wednesday 1:20-2:10

Summer 2024 Online

Course Number Class Name Instructor
PAD 4391/5397 Foundations of Emergency Management Dilling
PAD 4374/5376 Intro to Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh
PAD 4398/5398 EM Programs, Planning and Policy Dilling
PAD 4375/5377 Advanced Topics in Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh
PAD 4833/5835 International Comparative Disaster Management Dilling
PAD 4380/5389 Disasters: From Shock to Recovery Cuadra
PAD 4301/5310 Disaster Planning for Urban Poor Communities Cuadra
PAD 4433/5475 Women, Disasters, and Conflicts Washington
PAD 4084/5837 International Terrorism Policy Skillman
PAD 4936/5935 National Security in the Cyber Domain Carhart
PAD 4842/5849 U.S. Intelligence Policy Duggleby
PAD 4075/5079 UAS in Emergency Management (UAS1) Hart/Merrick
PAD 4382/5388 Disaster Recovery and Mitigation McDaniel
PAD 4395/5378 Disaster Systems Merrick
PAD 4890/5895 Homeland Security Policy and Practice Skillman
PAD 4891/5828 NGOs and Disasters Denis-Luque/Merrick
PAD 3012 Mayhem Media Hart
PAD 4940 Internship Merrick

Fall 2024 Classroom

Course Number Class Name Instructor Date & Time
PAD 4375/5377 Adv. Topics in Terrorism Skillman Tues/Thurs 1:20-2:35
PAD 4897/5898 Global Security and Fusion Duggleby Tues/Thurs 11:35-12:50
PAD 4842/5849 U.S. Intelligence Policy Duggleby Wednesday 5:30-8:15
PAD 4374/5376 Intro to Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh Tues/Thurs 3:05-4:20
PAD 4391/5397 Foundations of EM Hart/Merrick Tuesday 5:30-8:15
PAD 4074/5076 Professional Pathways in EM Perna/Merrick Wednesday 1:20-2:10
PAD 4372/5373 Leadership and Communications in EM McDaniel Mon/Wed 3:05-4:20
PAD 4936/5935 Disaster Incident Management McDaniel Mon/Wed 8:50-10:05
PAD 4072/5078 Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS2) Hart/Merrick Wednesday 9:20-12:05
PAD 4936/5935 Geospatial Intelligence in EMHS Merrick Tues/Thurs 9:45-11:00
PAD 4936/5935 Admin and Finance of EM Programs McDaniel Wednesday 5:30-8:15
PAD 4936/5935 Regional Security in the Southern Hemisphere Heffron-Casserleigh Monday 5:30-8:15

Fall 2024 Online

Course Number Class Name Instructor
PAD 4391/5397 Foundations of Emergency Management Dilling
PAD 4833/5835 International Comparative Disaster Management Dilling
PAD 4398/5398 EM Programs, Planning, and Policy Dilling
PAD 4374/5376 Intro to Terrorism Heffron-Casserleigh
PAD 4890/5895 Homeland Security Policy and Practice Skillman
PAD 4844/5845 Public Health and Emergency Management Skillman
PAD 4382/5388 Disaster Recovery and Mitigation McDaniel
PAD 4841/5896 U.S. Intelligence Analysis and Communication Merrick
PAD 4433/5475 Women, Disasters, and Conflicts Washington
PAD 4301/5310 Disaster Planning for Urban Poor Communities Cuadra
PAD 4380/5389 Disasters: From Shock to Recovery Cuadra
PAD 4843/5848 U.S. Intelligence Community Carhart
PAD 4384/5381 Hard Targets and Intelligence Duggleby