Justin Adams

Senior Researcher
Justin Adams is a Senior Researcher in the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Program at Florida State University. His area of expertise focuses on Disaster Intelligence,
where he applies over twenty years of emergency management, aviation, and remote sensing experience. He has worked on projects requiring strategic planning,
development and execution, and much of his career has encompassed a focus on the emergency management in the oil and gas industry and dealing with project
budgets worth up to $8.1M USD. Justin has worked as part of an operation for a Common Operation Platform for ERSI and Witt-O’Brien’s and he has conducted
projects for the Eastern Mediterranean Business Units with Noble Energy, which is now used as the global standard for pilot programs.
Justin is continuously growing his career in Project Management, through ongoing professional development and striving to meet various requirements and industry
standards of each operation he is a part of. With experience working both internationally, nationally and offshore, he has a strong understanding
of the requirements needed to adapt to work environments in various cultures. He has successfully implemented and trained International Emergency
Response Programs and Global Incident Command Systems for five global institutions.